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We build brains and community through music for all ages, all levels, all year. Rehearsals are at the Grace Crossing Bible Church in Estacada.

Summer term meets on Tuesday evenings at 6:00.  Fall, Winter, and Spring terms meet on Tuesdays at 4:00 p.m.  See our calendar for details, or email Elaine Butler at orchestracada@gmail.com.  Follow us on Facebook

Students pay $25.00 for summer term, or $50.00 for other terms, to cover orchestra equipment, music, etc. Mentors play for free. 

Rehearsals begin with sectionals at 4:00 (6:00 summer), where students and mentors work together to study music theory, technique, and specific pieces. At 5:00 (7:00), everyone plays together, beginning with the easiest pieces.  Advanced players stay until 6:30 (8:30). 


 Please join our mailing list for occasional news about choir and orchestra rehearsals, performances, and other musical opportunities in Estacada. 


Thank you for visiting our website! You are welcome to attend a rehearsal any time, or email orchestracada@gmail.com to find out about upcoming performances.